hello ronron beginnings
I grew up playing mix and match in my mother's wardrobe, creating outfits from preloved clothing gathered from my siblings. Sharing wasn't merely a habit; it was woven into the very fabric of my being.
My journey began amidst Taiwan's humid climate, then took me through Canada and the UK during my teenage years to early 20s, followed by a period in Malaysia before reaching my 30s.
Each move brought a blend of emotions — saying goodbye to loved ones at the airport, the thrill tinged with uncertainty upon landing in a new place, and the exhilaration of forging connections in unfamiliar cities.
Throughout, my lifelong dream remained steadfast: to create clothing that not only encapsulates cherished memories but also accompanies us on our adventures.

From the studio, behind the scenes.
First sketches by hand drawing

Refining the silhouettes.
Several sampling for the right fit and cut
"It's not about the dress you wear, but about the life you lead in the dress." — Diana Vreeland
I envisioned designs fueled by dedication and hard work, brought to life by the women who wear them, leading their lives.
Thus, I began crafting versatile knitwear tailored to the needs of frequent travellers like myself — garments resilient enough for layering in colder climates yet comfortable enough for solo wear in tropical settings, with ample stretch for on-the-go mobility.
It was essential to curate a wardrobe of enduring quality, enriched with personal touches through DIY elements, resonating with individual style.
The outcome? A focus on zero-waste knitwear inspired by my East and Southeast Asian heritage attire, such as the Cheongsam and Kebaya, infused with craftsmanship and authenticity — styles seamlessly melding with the wearer's identity.

Textiles, knitting techniques, trimmings...
All the important details that build up each design piece

A collection is finally coming together.
The joy of seeing them realized, styled, lived
With hello ronron, I embarked on a journey from the ground up, drawing from my years at London's Central Saint Martins and experiences as a fashion and textile designer, now as an entrepreneur.
This venture is a tribute to our past, a bridge to our future. hello ronron encapsulates the essence of embracing oneself and all that is held dear — to live, to laugh, to learn, to love.
Thank you for being a part of this very special journey with us.
Wishing you all the best,
Angela, Founder of hello ronron
An anthology curated to celebrate You.
專為妳打造的夢想衣櫃 — 雲朵般輕盈透氣的柔軟選料、高級訂製的俐落剪裁、簡約而蘊含豐富層次的色調、優雅自在穿梭辦公室、圖書館、咖啡廳、晚宴與海島。冒險,不被束縛。展現,不被定義。一針一線毫不妥協。極致優雅就是極致細節。
Our Journey

來自台灣的服裝設計師,在馬來西亞開始了 hello ronron
hello ronron 的設計工作室成立於馬來西亞吉隆坡市中心,一個文化融合、今昔交織的萬象之都。創辦至今,我們深深感謝在馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣與香港都有喜歡 hello ronron 的客人支持著。
我們的商品均是原創設計,交由專業針織工廠限量生產。用心專注每一個細節 — 概念、設計、樣品、材料、生產、包裝 — 極高專業,專注用心,只把最好的給妳。

Every Step
我們的剪裁展現出服裝的流暢質感,並忠於品牌的信念 — 服裝應如第二層肌膚,修身而不束縛,並從時代與城市中汲取靈感,創造屬於妳的經典。

Our Commitments
不追隨季節性潮流,只願用心琢磨、創作與製作好每一款經典單品,使服裝舒適無痕陪伴妳的每一天。我們深信不停歇精進品牌工藝: 優雅的剪裁、親膚的紗線布料、雋永的設計細節、襯托東方女性肌膚的服裝色調。
"Cherishing every detail. Clothing that are made to love and to last."

A Focus on Style, Not Trend
每一季設計靈感,來自生活與真實、來自創作與夢想、來自每位穿著 hello ronron 女孩的珍貴回饋。不停歇琢磨更好的設計版型,因為妳值得最好。

Our Handpicked Material
從紗線、布料、副料 (鈕釦、拉鍊)、到衣服裡縫製的標籤,都是經由層層把關與嚴格篩選出的優良品質。

A Focus on Fit

Dedicated Craftsmanship

Packaging with Care
從服裝織好離開工房直到送達妳手中,我們不使用一次性塑膠。品牌所有包裝皆採用 100% 可回收再生與可分解材質。
From day one to forever
Feel comfortable and fit beautifully.
It is our desire to create the clothing you'll love, that have the ability to be worn anywhere, travel with you, and have you covered for a variety of occasions.